About Us
The timber industry has important new roles to play in the 21st century. But it remains at the heart of our communities.
For more than 100 years, Timber NSW has represented the timber and forest products industry in this state. Our members work shoulder to shoulder with the state-owned Forestry Corporation of NSW and private forest owners to meet the growing demand for our hardwoods and softwoods.
Each year every man, woman and child in Australia consumes the equivalent of one cubic metre of timber. When we build our homes, renovate our kitchens and fit-out our offices, we rely on timber. For key infrastructure like wharves, bridges, railway sleepers and telegraph poles, we rely on timber.
But in the carbon-constrained economy of the 21st century, timber is much more than a renewable, recyclable, sustainably-produced resource. New South Wales’ forests and parks must now be actively managed for a variety of values and outcomes. We must recognise that forests and wood products are long term carbon stores, and forest residues are renewable energy substitutes for fossil fuels. We must take a wider perspective.
The timber industry can play an important role in the carbon economy. To do so, our industry needs an environmentally and economically sustainable supply of timber and a supportive, stable policy environment. These will provide an important platform for attracting investment and creating jobs over the long term.
Andrew Hurford
The Role of Timber NSW
Timber NSW was established in 1906 as the representative organisation of the timber and forest products industry in NSW.
Our mission is to work with our members, stakeholders and the broader industry to build an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable timber industry in New South Wales.
While Timber NSW exists principally to represent the NSW timber and forest products industry at parliamentary, political and senior government levels, it is also concerned with broader industry issues.
Timber NSW works in close cooperation with other timber industry bodies, such as our counterparts in other states, the Australian Forest Products Association, the Timber Development Association NSW, Forest & Wood Products Association, Australian Forest Growers and Timber Communities Australia. We also regularly engage with community representatives, educators and conservation groups.
Timber NSW works on behalf of members in the following areas:
- Policy: We develop policy positions based on rigorous research of domestic and international best practice and consultation. We analyse and consult re state government policies to ensure our members’ views are represented at the highest level.
- Representation & Advocacy: Through our submissions, speeches, presentations and meetings with senior policymakers across all levels of government and to all political parties, we present a united voice and advocate on behalf of the industry.
- Member Services: We keep our members up to date and provide advice and assistance to our members on resource security and sustainability, industry regulation and environmental best practice. We organise regular events, forums and meetings in Sydney and across New South Wales.
- Communication & Education: We promote the industry, informing stakeholders and the community about the way the timber and forest products industry operates and the economic, environmental and social benefits of our work.
Our Organisation
Our organisational structure enables member companies to contribute to overall industry policy and strategy, influence sector-specific issues and access services. Our members are drawn from every link in the industry’s value adding supply chain, providing a broad, industry-wide perspective.
The Timber NSW membership has regional representation on the North Coast, Riverina, Southern and Western areas of the state.
Comprising annually elected directors from across the regions, Timber NSW’s Board of Directors meets regularly to determine policy, establish priorities and formulate strategy.
Maree McCaskill joined Timber NSW as General Manager in October 2013. She has considerable experience in managing peak industry bodies and member organisations, representing members at state and federal levels. She also has considerable experience in managing media. Her previous roles have been as CEO of the national bodies for the cotton industry, leather, hides and skins industry and the beverage industry.
Most recently she spent seven years as CEO of the Australian Publishers Association. She previously chaired the wool R&D corporation, was a director of the Zoological Parks Board of NSW and in her early career was Deputy Director of the RSPCA NSW. Maree has been a writer, commentator and presenter for newspapers, magazines, radio and television.
Timber NSW Board
(3 December 1932 – 9 January 2016)
Spiro Notaras joined the Board of NSW FPA (now Timber NSW) in February 2001, serving as a director continuously until he sadly passed away in January 2016. He also served as FPA President between 2001 – 2004.
Spiro was a giant in the NSW timber industry and a great friend and mentor to many. He always made time for people, day or night, weekends or weekdays. At times we thought he was indestructible – even at 83.
He was passionate about native forestry and timber in all its facets, with a wealth of knowledge on its history, technical aspects and politics. He knew the forests intimately and he cared for them deeply.
Spiro could reach back more than half a century with absolute precision, detailing interaction with government and environmental groups and significant events. He was a walking history book, but he matched the passion with action.
The industry owes a huge debt to Spiro for all that he contributed. We’ve lost a real character and a great friend who shared a passion for the North Coast of New South Wales. Rest in peace.